
Serious games for business schools

iPhone with Catembe

A new way of teaching.

Person using phone before class

Before class

Students play a game to become familiar with the concept and context

People using phones during class

Live mode - In class

Educators lead students through an interactive, multiplayer version of the same game, in-person or online

Person using phone after class

After class

Students re-attempt game to reinforce learning

Focus on usability and student experience

Our our interactives are designed to be engaging, simple, and intuitive, with a focus on play and experimentation.
No instructions necessary.

Engaging and explorable content can significantly reduce the cognitive load and anxiety around learning.

Transform the lecture

We believe that truly interactive lectures and webinars should involve more than just live polling.

All of our interactives can be used in live mode, a real-time multiplayer version that is completely controlled by the lecturer.

Use them to create amazing synchronous learning experiences: online, in interactive lessons and activites, or face-to-face in lectures and classrooms.

Built for business

Our interactives and simulations are built specifically for the business curriculum.

We harness the mechanics of the concept itself to drive the gameplay: for instance, in our Supply & Demand game, students are challenged to find the equilibrium of an unseen supply and demand model.

Mastering the game and truly understanding the concept become one and the same.


Deployment flexibility

Our content can be deployed real-time in lectures or accessed by students in their own time, on campus or online

Highly engaging content

Our games feature engaging elements such as rewards, random chance, and instant feedback, encouraging students to make repeated attempts to master the content

Easy to use

Customise and deploy games in minutes -- our platform takes care of the infrastructure and logistics

Access on any device

Any number of students can participate in real time using their own mobile devices: laptop, tablet, or smartphone

Real incentives

Students earn and spend a platform currency with real value, enabling realistic profit incentives for decision making


Our secure platform has been battle-tested with large lecture cohorts

Our supporters

Stay in touch

We'll keep you in the loop, and you'll be the first to try out brand new content!

We'll never share your email with anyone else.
Excess demand
What is the equilibirum price?

Ready to transform your course?

© 2023, Catembe. Email us.